2024 Director's Election and AGM

Posted By NHIA  
15:00 PM

We thank our members for voting in the NHIA director election. Every vote is crucial as it ensures a diverse and representative leadership that can effectively address the needs and interests of our membership.

Voting in this election is important as it empowers members to influence the direction of our Association, ensuring NHIA continues to grow and adapt to the ever-evolving agricultural industry.  

We thank those that participated with nominations in the 2024 Director Elections:

  • Carmel Clarke nominated by Tallangatta Farm Services
  • Ronnie Hibma nominated by Nexus Herd Development
  • Chris Kendall nominated by Numurkah NuGenes
  • Anna Norgren nominated by St Genetics
  • Adam Sawell nominated by Holstein Australia
  • Geoffrey Watts nominated by Genetics Australia 


The elected directors will be announced at the upcoming AGM. If you have not registered, see details below, email to attend to Karen [email protected] 


  • Join NHIA for a cheese tour prior to the AGM 

3:00pm Join us for a tour at Apostle Whey Cheese - 9 Gallum Road Cooriemungle - There is a cafe open 10am - 5pm if you arrive early. 


  • THIRTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - in person or online

5:30pm NHIA AGM Port Campbell Hotel - 40 Lord Street Port Campbell

AGM in person or online, followed by dinner. We welcome dinner Speaker: Mark Billing.

To register attendance for yourself and any staff, email Karen [email protected]  before Wednesday, 24th July 2024. 

We will be bidding farewell to Directors Mr. Mike Rose and Mr. Anthony Shelly, whose terms have concluded. We extend our sincere gratitude for their dedicated service and significant contributions to their roles.

To read the chair report please click here and the CEO report here