Herd Improvement
'It works for you'
Ph. (03) 9742 7244

About NHIA

The National Herd Improvement Association of Australia plays a lead role in advocating and promoting the importance of the Herd Improvement sector.

We support member organisations with information, resources and a range of services to assist them in providing Australian farmers with the tools to breed healthier, more productive and long-lived cattle through the use of artificial insemination (AI), embryo transfer (ET) and other reproductive technologies.

NHIA members include organisations involved directly in the provision of herd improvement (HI) and AI services, as well as key suppliers, training organisations, equipment manufacturers and laboratories serving the HI industry.

NHIA, which is managed by a member-elected  Board of Directors. It became a national body in 1995 as successor to the Herd Improvement Organisation of Victoria.
NHIA's Objectives are:
  • Lead the continual development of the Australian Herd Improvement Industry;
  • Represent the industry for the benefit of NHIA Members;
  • Stimulate high quality exchange of ideas and technology within the HI industry;
  • Stimulate higher levels of professionalism within the HI Industry
  • Deliver cost effective products and services to the benefit of the members.

NHIA activities and member services include:

Industry Representation

NHIA provides a united voice for Australia’s Herd Improvement industry. It provides representation for members to state and federal government, Dairy Australia, DataGene, dairy farmer organisations, the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), Animal Health Australia, the Gardiner Foundation and other educational and industry bodies.

Professional Standards, Expertise & Training

NHIA is committed to improving and delivering quality AI training courses to ensure continual improvement and development, including accreditation, of the Herd Improvement industry through having both farmers and service providers trained to the highest possible standard in AI technique and fertility management.

Network & Collaboration

From our biennial Herd series of conferences for the HI industry and farmers focused on using genetics to improve productivity to member forums and annual awards dinner, NHIA provides member platforms for the exchange of ideas and technology to grow and improve the HI industry.


NHIA administers the Ruminants Genetics Trade Advisory Group (RGTAG) providing advice to government on the genetics trade, forming a conduit between the industry and Department of Agriculture and representing the industry on the setting of import and export protocols. 

Reducing the cost of doing business

NHIA has negotiated preferential rates for members on many essential Herd Improvement industry products and services including supply of liquid nitrogen, methylated spirits, fuel, transport and commercial vehicle hire and insurance.




Staying Informed

NHIA provides regular Herd Improvement industry updates and news to members, and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas.