RGTAG is administered under the services of the National Herd Improvement Association (NHIA) with a structured, elected, committee of management representing the different species and geographical locations across Australia. Membership of RGTAG comprises of both industry participants and interested livestock breeders and is subject to the RGTAG Constitution.
A financial membership entitles one vote and to have prioritised access to the Department of Agriculture through RGTAG. Members also benefit from regular information on current protocols and changes, have a say in prioritising issues of importance, and have knowledge of events affecting the industry here in Australia and internationally.
Membership of the RGTAG group is obtained by filling out the application for membership form and forwarding it to the NHIA.
RGTAG is administered under the services of the National Herd Improvement Association (NHIA) with a structured, elected, committee of management representing the different species and geographical locations across Australia. Membership of RGTAG comprises of both industry participants and interested livestock breeders and is subject to the RGTAG Constitution. A financial membership entitles one vote and to have prioritised access to the Department of Agriculture through RGTAG. Members also benefit from regular information on current protocols and changes, have a say in prioritising issues of importance, and have knowledge of events affecting the industry here in Australia and internationally. Membership of the RGTAG group is obtained by filling out the application for membership form and forwarding it to the NHIA. | |