Ruminant Genetics Trade Advisory Group (RGTAG) - Supported by NHIA

RGTAG is the voice of the ruminant (all species) genetics trade industry in Australia with direct liaison between the industry and government at various levels. 

Its role includes:

  • represent the industry in the setting of import and export protocols
  • provide advice to the government in respect to issues around genetics trade
  • be a conduit between industry and the Department of Agriculture
  • keep the industry informed of current trade and protocol issues and events
  • presenting the Australian ruminant genetic industry to international exposure

The ruminant genetics trade into and out of Australia has been small in comparison to other countries and the structure of RGTAG is designed to present information and industry contacts to all those looking to Australia for genetic trade. The industry and the Department of Agriculture recognise that RGTAG provides the cohesion and organisation within the ruminant sector to take best advantage of the international opportunities for Australian genetics.

RGTAG is administered under the services of the National Herd Improvement Association (NHIA) with a structured, elected, committee of management representing the different species and geographical locations across Australia. Membership of RGTAG comprises of both industry participants and interested livestock breeders and is subject to the RGTAG Constitution.

Find out more about RGTAG here.

The following is the current RGTAG committee:

Trade Name Member Email
Chairperson/Dairy Penny Welch Total Livestock Genetics [email protected]
Dairy Ruth Barber Total Livestock Genetics [email protected]
Embryo Transfer Dom Bayard Global Reproduction Solutions [email protected]
Dairy Rob Derksen Total Livestock Genetics [email protected]
Southern Beef Cattle Debbie Mills Holbrook Breeders Australia [email protected]
Sheep Michylla Seal Genstock Pty Ltd [email protected]
Beef Caitlin Warner Australian Premier Genetics Pty Ltd [email protected]
Northern Beef Cattle Adam Wise Ced Wise AB/ Wise Repro [email protected]

Queries or issues can be brought to the attention of the RGTAG Committee using this link


The full RGTAG membership is listed below

Click the logo to find out more about what each Australian business offers.

Allstock (WA) Pty Ltd specialises in sheep artificial reproduction with an emphasis on international sheep genetic improvement programs and sourcing of Australian sheep genetics for international clients.

Contact Information:

Dr Adrian Veitch BVMS Veterinarian | Phone: +61 427 948 339 | Location Western Australia (WA)

Email: [email protected]

Web:  and


Australian Premier Genetics (APG) is a business focused on providing superior livestock reproductive solutions to its clients.

Located in Central West NSW just off the Newell Highway, our high-quality livestock housing and world class laboratory technologies provide clients with a tailored and personal approach to genetic collection and distribution.

Services provided by APG include, domestic and export certified semen collection, domestic and export certified embryo collection, Ovum Pick Up for IVF, artificial insemination,  semen testing, preg-testing and live export quarantine.

APG operates to international standards and is approved by DAFF to meet the standards set by the OIE.

PLEASE NOTE: Australian Premier Genetics Pty Ltd does not provide insurance coverage for items or products stored in its facility or during transit. Insurance should be taken out by owner/purchase if required.

Contact Information:

Caitlin Warner | Phone +61 419 238 216 | Location New South Wales (NSW)

Email: [email protected]



Beef Breeding Services (BBS) offers genetic solutions, quality advice and training from qualified and professional staff. We offer the cattle industry a comprehensive range of artificial breeding products and services, secure semen storage facilities and a large selection of straws from many bovine breeds. With facilities located in the Beef Capital of Rockhampton, BBS offers the Australian beef and dairy industries the complete package of bull accommodation, quarantine facilities and semen collection facilities for both domestic and international markets.  Combined with distribution centres at Rockhampton and Brisbane, this places BBS at the leading edge of artificial breeding services in the southern hemisphere.

AI programs & Training – Greg Fawcett & Les Kingston

Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluations and Pregnancy testing – Dr Di Sorley VBBSE accredited

On farm semen testing, Custom Collections  – Dr Di Sorley & Les Kingston

Semen Morphology – Jane Smith -UQ accredited

Contact: Email [email protected] | Phone +61 7 3271 3297 | Web:


Ced Wise AB Services Pty Ltd

Contact: Ced Wise Veterinarian BVSc | Phone: +61 428 718 640 or +61 7 4683 4275 | Location Queensland (QLD)

Email: [email protected] | Web:


Central West Genetics

Contact: Dr Gregory McCann | Phone: +61 428 828 972 or +61 2 6886 5122 | Location New South Wales (NSW) 

Email: [email protected] | Web:



ChenoVet Pty Ltd based in Walla Walla, NSW, provides Animal Andrology services to the livestock industries, including;

  1. Fixed and frozen semen evaluation
  2. Semen processing QC (including semen processing centre assessments and monitoring)
  3. Education and training in semen collection, handling, assessment and processing
  4. Infertility investigations and diagnostics
  5. Contract research including equipment validation.
  6. Breeding consultation (both natural and A.I.)
  7. Reproductive biosecurity

These services are provided primarily by Drs Francoise McPherson (PhD) and Peter Chenoweth (BVSc, PhD, MANZCVSc, DACT); President, Association of Applied Animal Andrology ( , and senior author/editor of Animal Andrology: Theories and Practices. CABI (2014).

Contact: Peter Chenoweth | Phone +61 427 186 421 | Email [email protected]



Genstock Pty Ltd

Established in 1983, Genstock is the longest-serving Small Ruminant Artificial Breeding Facility in Australia.

Our highly qualified staff have managed and performed artificial breeding programs throughout the world. At our export accredited facility, we collect small ruminant (sheep and goat) semen and embryos for exportation.

Our dedicated staff can facilitate the entire process from sourcing genetic material to suit a client’s requirements, collection of genetic material, exportation, and implantation of genetic material in the importing country. To maximise the returns on your investment in genetic material our knowledgeable staff can advise on flock health and artificial breeding programs.

Contact: Dr Michylla Seal, BSc BVMS (Hons) | Phone +6198 341 038 | Location: Kojonup, Western Australia (WA)

Email: [email protected] | Web:




Genstock Australia

Contact: Rosalind Kennett | Phone +61 427 861 772 | Email: [email protected]

Global Reproduction Solutions (GRS)

GRS is located at Goorambat, in Northern Victoria, and is a dedicated bovine embryo export facility.  Established in 2004, we have a long history of exporting bovine genetics to many countries throughout the world including the EU, China, NZ, USA and South Africa.

GRS offers our clients a choice of options when looking for Australian bovine genetics.  Either an agistment basis for internationally owned donors including during pregnancy after flushing finishes, or alternatively we can source genetics from almost every breed of cattle in Australia.

Our team has provided flushing and transfer embryo services in many countries and is keen to help advance cattle genetic progress to all cattle breeders across the globe. We welcome all international enquiries. 

Contact: Dom Bayard | Phone: + 61 427 732 538 or 03 5764 1224 | Location: Victoria (VIC)

Email: [email protected] | Web: 


Holbrook Breeders Australia is an artificial breeding company based in the heart of the beef cattle seed stock region of southern NSW, Australia. Holbrook Breeders has been operational for more than 20 years. Our range of services include embryo transfer, semen collection, distribution, semen and embryo storage and importation and exportation of semen and embryos. We are an approved Department of Agriculture government bull and donor collection export facility. Exports to the USA, Canada, Africa, Kenya, New Zealand, New Caledonia, and South America amongst others.

We are very fortunate to have a team of very dedicated staff to assist you.

Contact: Deborah Mills, Operations Manager | Phone 02 6036 3149 | Location NSW

Email: [email protected] | Web:


Murray River Genetics

Contact: Dr Jean van Niekerk | Phone: +61 428 569 915 | Location: NSW 

Email: [email protected] | Web:


Rocky Repro Pty Ltd

Providing a professional & comprehensive bovine artificial reproduction service.

Custom Semen Collection & Processing - In Centre at Rockhampton QLD – Domestic and Export - DAWE accredited; On farm collections throughout QLD.

Extensive Export Semen sales and Export Service – established export markets to Asia, Pacific Islands, NZ, USA, Canada, South America, Africa, specialising in Bos Indicus and Wagyu.

Providing a regular semen and embryo Import Service from USA and Canada

Semen Morphology evaluation– Members of the UQ Sperm Morphologist Standardisation Program. Customised synchronised breeding programs–design, management & implementation. Pregnancy Testing.

Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluations – Dr Ced Wise & Dr Adam Wise & Dr Alyssa Bischoff –VBBSE accredited.

Semen & Embryo storage facility and Liquid Nitrogen Supplies.

Contact: Phone: +61 07 4934 1964 | Location Queensland (QLD) Email: [email protected] | Web:



Total Livestock Genetics (TLG) is at the forefront of animal genetics and reproduction technology within Australia, providing professional semen and embryo collection and distribution services for both domestic and overseas customers.

TLG specialises in genetic material storage and despatch, import and export, live animal shipments (air and sea), as well as a complete suite of reproductive services for bovine, ovine and equine clients.

This includes full accreditation of export protocols, storage, and shipments to many of the major and emerging overseas destinations

With a focus on Quality Assurance, TLG is registered as Certified Semen Services (CSS) compliant in support of international accreditation and recognition for world’s best practise In animal genetics and reproduction technology.

The location of TLG’s Collection Centre within Australia enables licensed collection status for all international export protocols, with ready access to an international airport and shipping services in support of genetic export and live cattle consignments.

Contact: Penny Welch | Phone +613 5593 2016 | Location Victoria (VIC) 

Email: [email protected] | Web:

Contact: Rob Derksen, Export Manager | Phone +61 418 129 606 | Location Victoria (VIC)

Email: [email protected] | Web:


Vytelle is a global precision livestock company helping producers advance the right genetics faster and is reshaping how cattle producers worldwide optimize their herds.

We operate in 24 countries, representing 53% of the worldwide cattle population, with 131+ employees and 21 global IVF labs including three Vytelle ADVANCE IVF labs in Australia.

Vytelle ADVANCE is a high-performance hormone free In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) reproductive technology system that delivers the most accessible, reliable, and predictable technology to drive sustainable production.

Vytelle is the fastest growing independent IVF company globally.

Contact: Andrew Donoghue, Regional Director Australia/NZ | Phone +61 428 442 155 

Email: [email protected] | Web: