VCCI – Free Essential Membership Offer

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16:00 PM

The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently launched a new initiative to help Victorian business survive under tough business conditions exacerbated by bushfire and the coronavirus crises. The initiative, offered for the first time, will waive membership fees for one year for all Victorian businesses up to a value of $700. For NHIA members, businesses from other states are also entitled as VCCI’s Workplace Relations advice line covers national information. For more information, please click on the link below.


The Free Essentials membership is a one year paid for membership by the Victorian Chamber and is a great opportunity of support in this challenging time.


Some of you may already have an existing paid membership, your COMPLETE membership entitles you to unlimited calls to the Workplace Relations Advice Line and this Free Essentials Membership has 2 free calls for the year. This free membership is available for existing members when your membership expires, as long as it is still available and is likely to be until the end of 2020. Existing members will receive an additional $500 credit when renewing Complete membership.


If you wish to take up the offer of one year free membership please email NHIA with the following details so VCCI can quickly complete your membership registration. (Please note this is not a contract and no payment details are required, after the year has passed you do not need to join):


Business Name:                                                                                             

Business Address: 

Business Contact:

Primary Contact (authorised contact person for our Workplace Relations Adviceline), title, email, and phone/mobile: 

Secondary Contact (authorised contact person for our Workplace Relations Adviceline), title, email and phone/mobile: 


For easy reference, here is a summary of benefits for the Essentials Membership:

·         $700 training/consulting credits

·         2 free calls to the Workplace Relations Advice Line (03 8662 5222)

·         Access to Workplace Relations Tools and Templates

·         4 complimentary tickets to attend our Business After Dark or Fast Forward networking events

·         Access to Australian Business Energy – a free energy consulting and comparison service

·         Access to discounts and offers via our Connect App

·         Opportunity to participate in Policy and Advocacy activities in order to make your business challenges heard

·         Specialist advice in areas such as International Trade, Workplace Relations, Occupational Health and Safety and Apprenticeship services

