NHIA Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policy

Posted By NHIA  
14:00 PM

NHIA has launched its Anti-Bullying & Anti-Harassment Policy. 

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This policy reflects NHIA’s commitment to fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all directors, employees, volunteers and members.

Why This Matters

At NHIA, we believe that every individual deserves to work and interact in an environment free from bullying, harassment, and any form of discrimination. 

This new policy aims to:

Protect Dignity - Ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Promote Well-being - Create a supportive atmosphere where individuals feel safe and valued.

Encourage Inclusivity - Foster a culture of inclusivity and diversity, where differences are celebrated and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


Key Elements of the Policy  

Clear Definitions - Understanding what constitutes bullying and harassment.

Reporting Frameworks - Ways to resolve situations and report incidents.

Support Systems - Access support for those affected.


We all play a part in upholding these standards. As members, we ask you to:

  • Lead by Example - Model respectful behavior in all your interactions. 
  • Stay Informed - Familiarise yourself with the policy details.
  • Support Others - Offer support to those who may be affected by bullying or harassment.  


We are dedicated to ensuring that NHIA remains a place where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered.  

This policy is a step toward that goal, but it requires the active participation of all members and stakeholders to be truly effective.  

Your attention and commitment to creating a positive environment is crucial for an industry we deeply care about.   


For further information contact Sara Merckel [email protected]