Membership Renewals 2024/2025

Posted By NHIA  
17:00 PM

Membership Renewals 2024/2025  

CEO Sara Merckel emphasises, “At NHIA, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusiveness for all our members.” Our mission is to provide a platform for networking and collaboration, supporting all areas of your business, with a special focus on training and development for the financial year 2024/2025. NHIA uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ensuring that every interaction meets your needs in the best way we can.

Advocacy and Strategic Focus 

Through advocacy, we centre the interests of our members in everything we do. We strive to ensure that our strategic actions benefit you directly.  

Get Involved with NHIA

We invite you to get more involved with NHIA in several ways:

Contact the CEO: Sara Merckel at [email protected]

Contact the NHIA Office: Karen Eastop at [email protected]

Talk to the Board of Directors

Raise questions or issues to our Beef Working Group Members

Attend Forums and Events:

Join us at the NHIA AGM on Tuesday, 30th July. Details to be announced soon.

Nominate to be an NHIA Director. The annual call for 3-year terms will be announced. For questions contact [email protected]

Current Initiatives 2024/25

NHIA is set to launch its best practices for Artificial Insemination (AI) to ensure industry consistency. This includes a comprehensive review of the AI Accreditation Program and an upcoming amnesty to become Accredited, conditions apply for amnesty. These standards are based on the NHIA/Dairy Australia AI Manual, with significant contributions from a sub-group of the Board: Nick Brasher (Farmwest), Adam Daniel (Numurkah NuGenes), Paul Kenny (Paul Kenny AB), and Mike Rose (LIC).

Regional AI Technician Conference

NHIA will soon commence the planning of regional conferences for AI technicians who want to stay up-to-date and network with peers in their regions. Ms Merckel says this has been a key area that has lacked planning for technicians needing further development, an open platform for questions, and interaction with their regional peers.  

AI Training

NHIA has worked closely with Tafe’s and private Trainers to ensure available training courses are conveniently located in one spot for easy reference. For the latest AI training bookmark this link  is regularly updated with what is on offer.

Semen and Embryo Handling Training

NHIA has re-launched semen and embryo training with a revised manual. The training will be tweaked to ensure members ongoing satisfaction, and that it aligns with industry needs.

Learning Hub

The NHIA learning hub is expanding, offering your staff access to training regardless of location. This hub includes industry Mentors, and job promotions, provides a contact point for those looking to gain employment in industry, and is a valuable resource for professional growth.

We value your input as we further develop the Hub to suit your business. Let us know what resources would be most beneficial for your staff. Contact Sara Merckel to discuss any gaps in your workplace that we can address in this platform.


Mentorship: Fast-Tracking Learning and Building Industry Success

Mentorship is a powerful tool for accelerating personal and professional growth. The Mentors listed in our program generously dedicate their time to ensure the success and longevity of our industry.

One of the key factors in employee commitment is feeling of connection to their job. Mentorship provides an excellent opportunity to foster this connection, encouraging staff development in an engaging and interactive way. 

We Thank Our Members

We appreciate your ongoing support and are committed to creating a supportive community where everyone feels valued and included.

To the NHIA Board

Sara Merckel extends her gratitude to the NHIA Board for their exceptional efforts in delivering results for our members.

We look forward to another year of collaboration and success. As a unified voice we can make exceptional things happen.

Sara Merckel, CEO, NHIA